It’s May 1st. Something always special about the month of May. It’s also a lovely name, “May.” (Although “June” is quite beautiful too.)
I'm giving a talk today at Parsons, in a Digital Design Club. They described me on their website as an "Internet mystic" which was notable.
An hour ago, I picked up my violin bow. Last week, I had taken it in to be rehaired. I played violin in high school. You can see a video my dad recorded in the mid 2000s of me playing in a church. I think I was about 15. I was always better at the more lyrical pieces, that conveyed some sort of feeling. I wasn't so good at rhythm or technique. Maybe you call this musicality?
I think a lot about how everyday people are artists, in some way or another. My dad was an artist in creating this video, the way he juxtaposes the classical music an still images of his golf calendar. I remember in the 90s he recorded 30 minutes of beach.