I'm in the air again. This time, I am going to a special solstice wedding in the mountains.
Outside the window is all clouds. It's dusk, almost night but not quite. Feels expansive while listening to beautiful music.
When I say beautiful music, I mean St. Giga. I've been listening to these St. Giga recordings for over a year now. It feels like a holy combination: ambient music, environmental sound recordings, and poetry. Wow. I'm listening to "Healing in Dream B."
On the connecting flight before this, I watched Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy, a film comprised of three smaller films by Ryusuke Hamaguchi, the same director of Drive My Car. I enjoyed it so much. In my notes, I simply wrote down this stream of words and phrases:
once strangers work through grief together
strange but ultimately wholesome
nothing is as it seems
turns upon turns
I liked all the films, but the second felt most memorable to me. Maybe it was all the unforeseen turns, including up until the very last moment. But I think it was the humor, but not because it was trying to be funny, but because the characters were simply being themselves.