I’m riding the train going backwards.
I’m listening to the song “Esplanade (Live)” by Yoshio Ojima from the album Une Collection Des Chainons I: Music For Spiral.
It was released the year I was born, 1988.
going backwards
Yesterday I went through the past year of my own Instagram stories...
Somehow they made me happy… even though at the time I was posting them, I didn’t think about them too hard.
Definitely using that white neon cursive handwriting helped them feel a little lighter anyway ~
I thought to myself, wow, I grew a lot this year. It wasn’t easy...
What does it mean to grow as a person? Of course I’m not physically growing bigger at this point. Maybe it means I’m more and more understanding how to best be myself in the world, and how to interface with the world in a way that’s best for both me and the world. Is such a thing possible?
Almost a month ago I had an astrology reading. I’ve still been thinking about it…
what the soul came here to do
(Back in the spring I treated myself to an appointment with a recommended astrologer in New York, and the soonest appointment she had was in the fall. So I picked a random day in September.)
She recorded our hour and a half session on Zoom, and her assistant sent me the video recording via email a week later. I downloaded it to my computer and airdropped it to my iPod Touch 2. I listened to it while walking and wrote down some notes in Standard Notes mobile app. There wasn’t much to see, even though it was a video, because I didn’t really understand the astrology graphics.
you must be a writer, right?
you’re an artist?
she asked me. It must be funny meeting someone so intimately without really knowing who they are...
you have a very private chart
most of the planets are below the horizon
I was born two days before a solar eclipse. They happen twice a year...
you were born on the precipice
right before a big tidal wave
the way you do the job of pisces (creativity, arts) is through the lens of libra (communicating, building relationships)
Like me, my parents are pisces too. Sometimes I've joked with friends this makes me a "super pisces," even though I don't think that's astrologially sound. (I do sometimes wonder if my parents were born in a generation that didn't render them as artists to the outside world, so instead their creativity maybe manifested in their nurturing exploratorations as parents... to which I feel very lucky!)
most of the party in your chart is in the house of the mind
this is the house about childhood and growing up
you evolve through play
as you do, there is a healing
I asked her about the astrology software she used. She said it’s amazing, it’s powerful, but it could use an update.
it looks like it’s from the 90s, right?
that's a girl who was born in the 80s...
She said she started her business 15 years ago, when online courses were just beginning. She told me she could share spreadsheets of the pros and cons of all the e-teaching software if I wanted…
you’ll be at home a lot
you do amazing work from home
it’s important your home is supportive
Will we ever stop growing? I like people who are always finding new things out about themselves and how they exist in the world.
you’re not here just to serve everyone else